Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/yast-reipl/master/zh_TW/units/?format=api&page=2
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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                "<p><b><big>Saving reipl Configuration</big></b><br>\n</p>\n"
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                "<p><b><big>正在儲存 reipl 組態</big></b><br>\n</p>\n"
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                "<p><b><big>Aborting Saving:</big></b><br>\nAbort the save procedure by pressing <b>Abort</b>.\nAn additional dialog informs whether it is safe to do so.\n</p>\n"
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                "<p><b><big>s390 reIPL Configuration</big></b></p>"
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                "<p><b><big>s390 reIPL 組態</big></b></p>"
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                "<p>Choose one of the methods for rebooting your machine with the radio buttons\nlisted inside <b>reipl methods</b>. Depending on what your machine supports,\nchoose between CCW (channel command word) devices and SCSI devices,\nwhich are attached through zFCP (fibre channel protocol). Then fill out the\nnecessary parameter entry fields for the respective method.</p>\n"
            "previous_source": "",
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                "<p>使用<b>「reipl 方法」</b>中列出的\n選項圓鈕選擇其中一種重新開機方法。根據機器支援的功能,\n可以選擇 CCW (通道指令字) 裝置或\n透過 zFCP (光纖通道通訊協定) 連接的 SCSI 裝置。\n然後填寫相應方法的必要參數輸入欄位。</p>\n"
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                "<p>The <b>device</b> must be a valid device bus ID with lower case letters\nin a sysfs compatible format 0.<i>&lt;subchannel set ID&gt;</i>.<i>&lt;device ID&gt;</i>,\nsuch as 0.0.5c51. Depending on the chosen method, this can either refer to a DASD or to\nan FCP adapter.</p>"
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                "<p><b>「裝置」</b>必須是使用小寫字母的有效裝置匯流排 ID,\n採用 sysfs 相容格式 0.<i>&lt;子通道集 ID&gt;</i>.<i>&lt;裝置 ID&gt;</i>,\n例如 0.0.5c51。根據選擇的方法,此項可以是 DASD \n或 FCP 轉接器。</p>"
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                "<p>The <b>loadparm</b> must be a maximum of 8 characters and selects a boot\nconfiguration from the menu of the zipl bootloader. Use one blank character\nto select the default configuration.</p>"
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            "target": [
                "<p><b>「Loadparm」</b>最長不得超過 8 個字元,\n請從 zipl 開機載入程式的功能表中選取開機組態。\n使用一個空白字元可以選取預設組態。</p>"
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                "<p>The <b>worldwide port number</b> (WWPN) must be entered with lowercase\nletters as a 16-digit hex value, such as 0x5005076300c40e5a.</p>\n"
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            "target": [
                "<p><b>「全球連接埠號」</b>(WWPN) 必須以小寫字母\n輸入為 16 位數十六進位數值,例如 0x5005076300c40e5a。</p>\n"
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                "<p>The <b>logical unit number</b> (LUN) must be entered with lowercase letters\nas a 16-digit hex value with all trailing zeros, such as 0x52ca000000000000.</p>"
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                "<p><b>「邏輯單位編號」</b>(LUN) 必需以小寫字母\n輸入為 16 位數十六進位數值,而且尾數都必須補上零,例如 0x52ca000000000000。</p>"
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                "<p>The <b>boot program selector</b> must be a non-negative integer choosing\na boot configuration from the menu of the zipl bootloader. Use 0 to select\nthe default configuration.</p>"
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                "<p><b>「開機程式選擇器」</b>必須是非負整數,\n請從 zipl 開機載入程式的功能表中選擇開機組態。\n使用 0 將選取預設組態。</p>"
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                "<p>The <b>boot record logical block address</b> (LBA) specifies the master\nboot record and is currently always 0.</p>"
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                "<p><b>「開機記錄邏輯區塊位址」</b>(LBA) 指定主開機記錄,\n目前一律為 0。</p>"
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                "<p>After confirmation of this dialog, you may trigger a reboot, e.g. by shutdown,\nand the system will automatically restart from your specified device.</p>"
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