This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
ECM Test 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Edge 54% 26,586 457,133 3,787,425 26,482 933 44 1
Release Notes for openSUSE 37% 26,974 411,721 3,339,144 23,365 3,364 177 20
SUSE-test-glossary-project 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
agama 77% 2,496 15,198 92,391 2,064 203 20 2
barrel 77% 1,061 4,525 26,523 1,011 32 156 0
chameleon 87% 285 370 3,469 280 134 15 0
desktop-file-translations 38% 874,531 3,521,627 26,824,938 573,387 82,071 3,293 16
get-o-o 57% 5,120 69,814 478,442 4,983 119 59 4
packages-i18n 14% 1,591,284 30,955,463 207,674,415 1,157,872 195,095 546 12
uyuni 51% 696,451 8,023,452 58,314,436 668,334 63,717 2,254 10
yast-auth-client 32% 17,607 207,317 1,311,519 16,827 391 294 0
yast-bootloader 39% 7,425 95,907 637,406 5,697 944 50 1
yast-installation 51% 13,879 115,458 793,064 9,905 2,039 107 0
yast-iscsi-client 49% 4,037 39,050 286,643 2,924 511 15 0
yast-kdump 43% 9,869 88,395 611,745 7,051 1,064 21 0
yast-nfs 52% 2,718 23,089 142,666 1,957 456 5 0
yast-nfs_server 50% 2,950 23,586 149,306 2,269 385 5 0
yast-storage 32% 49,945 532,659 3,341,464 31,731 10,839 273 5
zypper 51% 38,269 288,793 2,026,275 31,417 5,811 578 603

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