This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
ECM Test 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Edge 54% 26,626 459,052 3,800,299 26,522 933 44 1
Release Notes for openSUSE 37% 26,974 411,721 3,339,144 23,365 3,364 177 20
SUSE-test-glossary-project 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
agama 75% 2,730 16,193 98,681 2,276 205 0 2
barrel 77% 1,028 4,393 25,654 994 32 156 0
chameleon 87% 285 370 3,469 280 134 15 0
cockpit-tukit 0 0 0 0 13 0 0
cockpit-wicked 83% 182 563 3,445 177 38 1 2
desktop-file-translations 38% 874,531 3,521,627 26,824,938 573,387 82,071 3,293 16
get-o-o 57% 5,121 69,884 479,047 4,983 121 59 4
icewm 68% 7,608 49,132 352,848 6,314 740 222 0
packages-i18n 14% 1,591,284 30,955,463 207,674,415 1,157,872 195,095 546 12
snapper 32% 16,407 64,008 435,189 12,257 2,444 232 0
uyuni 51% 700,448 8,100,556 58,854,636 671,543 62,335 2,257 10
yast-base 64% 26,831 178,280 1,153,038 22,107 3,889 208 20
yast-bootloader 39% 7,435 96,008 638,164 5,698 947 50 1
yast-cc-control 89% 3 22 165 2 2 0 0
yast-storage 32% 49,997 533,239 3,345,211 31,775 10,840 273 5
zypper 51% 38,271 288,799 2,026,312 31,419 5,811 578 603

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