This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Edge 47% 16,292 275,275 2,261,338 16,292 455 44 1
Release Notes for openSUSE 37% 27,077 413,895 3,356,227 23,427 3,351 178 20
agama 79% 1,985 12,279 74,572 1,435 277 0 2
desktop-file-translations 38% 874,834 3,523,129 26,836,725 573,576 82,123 3,295 16
uyuni 50% 651,075 7,173,997 51,938,328 628,055 53,527 2,243 9
yast-auth-client 32% 17,467 206,444 1,305,949 16,721 382 295 0
yast-base 65% 25,893 173,066 1,119,346 21,172 3,887 208 20
yast-cluster 33% 7,527 119,797 860,938 5,734 791 67 1
yast-drbd 40% 5,376 73,900 511,044 3,643 584 49 0
yast-http-server 50% 11,257 97,058 646,979 9,466 203 37 0
yast-iscsi-lio-server 32% 7,398 56,172 366,998 5,120 1,172 55 0
yast-kdump 43% 9,871 88,417 611,869 7,053 1,067 21 0
yast-samba-client 52% 6,791 54,237 369,149 5,148 791 16 8
yast-scanner 54% 5,654 122,314 785,146 4,659 818 590 0
yast-security 46% 8,917 119,938 795,504 7,055 994 36 1
yast-squid 47% 11,397 69,980 459,446 8,234 1,064 74 0
yast-storage 31% 50,564 543,430 3,408,319 31,853 11,129 276 5
yast-sudo 41% 5,221 101,807 620,987 3,739 1,122 9 1
yast-support 36% 7,768 72,111 551,400 7,558 287 136 0
yast-timezone_db 58% 15,151 21,056 148,149 12,883 2,261 155 5

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