Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/yast-installation/master/ca/units/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 357,
    "next": "",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "Setting default target and system services ..."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Establint la destinació per defecte i els serveis del sistema..."
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            "content_hash": 5894940348414667230,
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                "Network Configuration"
            "previous_source": "",
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                "Configuració de xarxa"
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            "location": "src/lib/network/clients/network_proposal.rb:55, src/lib/network/clients/network_proposal.rb:56",
            "context": "",
            "note": "Proposal client for Network configuration",
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                "AutoYaST cannot run second stage due to missing packages \n%s.\n"
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            "target": [
                "L'AutoYaST no pot executar el segon pas a causa de paquets que falten:\n%s.\n"
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            "content_hash": 7667395147364439020,
            "location": "src/modules/AutoinstFunctions.rb:69",
            "context": "",
            "note": "TRANSLATORS: %s will be replaced by a package list",
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            "source": [
                "The registration has failed. Please check your registration settings in the AutoYaST configuration file."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Ha fallat fer el registre. Si us plau, comproveu els paràmetres del registre del fitxer de configuració de l'AutoYaST."
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            "source": [
                "You have not registered your system. Missing packages can be added by configuring the registration in the AutoYaST configuration file."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "No heu registrat el sistema. Els paquets que falten es poden afegir configurant el registre al fitxer de configuració de l'AutoYaST."
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            "source": [
                "<p>Initializing the installation...</p>"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "<p>Iniciant la instal·lació...</p>"
            "id_hash": 7097688951225333830,
            "content_hash": 7097688951225333830,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_all.rb:52",
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            "note": "help for the dialog - busy message",
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            "source": [
                "Preparing the 1st system configuration..."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Preparant la primera configuració del sistema..."
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                "<p>Please wait...</p>"
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            "content_hash": 3975984296075388294,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_all.rb:59, src/lib/installation/clients/inst_initialization.rb:46",
            "context": "",
            "note": "help for the dialog - busy message\nTRANSLATORS: dialog help",
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            "note": "dialog caption\nTRANSLATORS: progress message",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "No installation control file has been found,\nthe installer cannot continue."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "No s'ha trobat un fitxer de control d'instal·lació,\nl'instal·lador no pot continuar."
            "id_hash": -552421321941349911,
            "content_hash": -552421321941349911,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_all.rb:76",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "Writing YaST configuration..."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Escrivint la configuració del YaST..."
            "id_hash": 327654260413724427,
            "content_hash": 327654260413724427,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_all.rb:110, src/lib/installation/clients/yast_inf_finish.rb:71",
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            "note": "TRANSLATORS: busy message\nprogress step title",
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                "Finishing the installation..."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Acabant la instal·lació..."
            "id_hash": -1016242259177536940,
            "content_hash": -1016242259177536940,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_all.rb:125, src/lib/installation/clients/inst_congratulate.rb:271",
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            "note": "TRANSLATORS: busy message\nDialog busy message",
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                "Your computer does not fulfill all requirements for\na graphical installation. There is either less than %1 MB\nmemory or the X server could not be started.\n\nAs fallback, the text front-end of YaST2 will guide you\nthrough the installation. This front-end offers the\nsame functionality as the graphical one, but the screens\ndiffer from those in the manual.\n"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "L'ordinador no compleix els requisits necessaris per a una \ninstal·lació en mode gràfic. El servidor X no es pot iniciar\no bé hi ha menys de %1 MB de memòria RAM\n\nCom a alternativa, la interfície en mode text del YaST2 us guiarà \ndurant la instal·lació. Aquesta interfície ofereix\nla mateixa funcionalitat que el mode gràfic, encara que les\nfinestres seran diferents de les del manual.\n"
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            "content_hash": 7753496238900133919,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_all.rb:173",
            "context": "",
            "note": "Somehow the graphical frontend failed and we're running in\ntext mode. Inform the user about this fact.",
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                "The graphical interface could not be started.\n\nEither the required packages were not installed (minimal installation) \nor the graphics card is not properly supported.\n\nAs fallback, the text front-end of YaST2 will guide you\nthrough the installation. This front-end offers the\nsame functionality as the graphical one, but the screens\ndiffer from those in the manual.\n"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "La interfície gràfica no s'ha pogut iniciar.\n\nÉs possible que els paquets necessaris no estiguin instal·lats (instal·lació mínima),\no bé, que la targeta gràfica no s'admeti.\n\nCom a alternativa, la interfície en mode text del YaST2 us guiarà\ndurant la instal·lació. Tingueu en compte que aquesta interfície ofereix\nla mateixa funcionalitat que el mode gràfic, encara que les\nfinestres seran diferents de les del manual.\n"
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            "context": "",
            "note": "The script YaST2 wants to inform about a problem with the\noption no_x11 but it's broken.\nelse if (Installation::no_x11 ())\nSomehow the graphical frontend failed and we're running in\ntext mode. Inform the user about this fact.",
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                "Start service %1"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Inicia el servei %1"
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            "content_hash": 622648878067608110,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_second.rb:276",
            "context": "",
            "note": "TRANSLATORS: progress stage, %1 stands for service name",
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            "source": [
                "Starting service %1..."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Iniciant el servei %1..."
            "id_hash": 6006917265517205129,
            "content_hash": 6006917265517205129,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_second.rb:281, src/lib/installation/clients/inst_restore_settings.rb:45",
            "context": "",
            "note": "TRANSLATORS: progress stage, %1 stands for service name\nTRANSLATORS: busy message",
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            "url": "",
            "explanation": "",
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            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "Adjusting Network Settings"
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Ajustant els paràmetres de la xarxa"
            "id_hash": -2619491192325961108,
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            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_second.rb:296",
            "context": "",
            "note": "TRANSLATORS: dialog caption",
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            "url": "",
            "explanation": "",
            "extra_flags": ""
            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "Network settings are being adjusted."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Espereu mentre s'ajusten els paràmetres de la xarxa..."
            "id_hash": 895537069663283563,
            "content_hash": 895537069663283563,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_second.rb:302",
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            "id": 10529990,
            "web_url": "",
            "url": "",
            "explanation": "",
            "extra_flags": ""
            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "The previous installation has failed.\nWould you like it to continue?\n\nNote: You may have to enter some information again."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "La instal·lació anterior ha fallat.\nVoleu continuar?\n\nNota: és possible que hàgiu de tornar a introduir informació."
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            "content_hash": 6937523345684790381,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_second.rb:354",
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            "explanation": "",
            "extra_flags": ""
            "translation": "",
            "source": [
                "The previous installation has been aborted.\nWould you like it to continue?\n\nNote: You may have to enter some information again."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "La instal·lació anterior s'ha avortat.\nVoleu continuar?\n\nNota: és possible que hàgiu de tornar a introduir informació."
            "id_hash": 396789659283030326,
            "content_hash": 396789659283030326,
            "location": "src/include/installation/inst_inc_second.rb:362",
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            "note": "popup question (#x1)",
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