Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

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                "<p>\n<b><big>Printer Device URI</big></b><br>\nA connection is specified as so called <b>device URI</b>.<br>\nIts first word (the so called URI scheme) specifies the kind of data-transfer,\nfor example 'usb', 'socket', 'lpd', or 'ipp'.<br>\nAfter the scheme there are more or less additional components\nwhich specify the details for this kind of data-transfer.<br>\nSpace characters are not allowed in an URI.\nTherefore a space character in a value of an URI component\nis encoded as '%20' (20 is the hexadecimal value of the space character).<br>\nThe components of an URI are separated by special reserved characters like\ncolon ':', slash '/', question mark '?', ampersand '&amp;', or equals sign '='.<br>\nFinally there could be optional parameters (separated by a question mark '?')\nof the form 'option1=value1&amp;option2=value2&amp;option3=value3' so that\na full device URI could be for example:<br>\nipp://server.domain:631/printers/queuename?waitjob=false&amp;waitprinter=false<br>\nSome examples:<br>\nA USB printer model 'Fun Printer 1000+' made by 'ACME'\nwith serial number 'A1B2C3' may have a device URI like:<br>\nusb://ACME/Fun%20Printer%201000%2B?serial=A1B2C3<br>\nA network printer with IP which is accessible\nvia port 9100 may have a device URI like:<br>\nsocket://<br>\nA network printer with IP which is accessible\nvia LPD protocol with a remote LPD queue name 'LPT1'\nmay have a device URI like:<br>\nlpd://\n</p>"
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                "<p>\n<b><big>Percent Encoding</big></b><br>\nThe issue is complicated.\nIt is recommended to avoid reserved characters and spaces\nfor component values in URIs if the values are under your control\n(e.g. you cannot avoid it when you must specify such characters\nin values for an URI to access a remote print queue\nbut the remote print queue is not under your control).\nWhenever possible use only so called 'unreserved characters'.\nUnreserved characters are uppercase and lowercase letters,\ndecimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.\nEven hyphen, period, tilde, and case sensitivity\ncould cause special issues in special cases\n(e.g. only letters, digits, and underscore are known to work\nfor a CUPS print queue name and case is not significant there).\nTherefore it is best to use only lowercase letters, digits,\nand underscore for all values in all URIs if possible.<br>\nReserved characters and space characters in the value of a component\nmust be percent-encoded (also known as URL encoding).<br>\nWhen an input field in the dialog is intended to enter\nonly a single value for a single component of the URI\n(e.g. separated input fields for username and password),\nyou must enter spaces and reserved characters literally\n(i.e. non-percent-encoded).\nFor such input fields all spaces and reserved characters\nwill be automatically percent-encoded.\nFor example if a password is actually 'Foo%20Bar' (non-percent-encoded),\nit must be entered literally in the password input field in the dialog.\nThe automated percent-encoding results 'Foo%2520Bar' which is how\nthe value of the password component is actually stored in the URI.<br>\nIn contrast when an input field in the dialog is intended to enter\nmore that a single value for a single component of the URI\n(e.g. a single input field for all optional parameters\nlike 'option1=value1&amp;option2=value2&amp;option3=value3'\nor a single input field to enter the whole URI),\nyou must enter spaces and reserved characters percent-encoded\nbecause an automated percent-encoding is no longer possible.\nAssume in an optional parameter 'option=value'\nthe value would be 'this&amp;that' so that the whole\noptional parameter would be 'option=this&amp;that' (literally).\nBut a literal '&amp;' character denotes\nthe separation of different optional parameters\nso that 'option=this&amp;that' in an URI means\na first optional parameter 'option=this' and\na second optional parameter which is only 'that'.\nTherefore a single optional parameter 'option=this&amp;that'\nmust be entered percent-encoded as 'option=this%26that'<br>\nInput fields which require percent-encoded input\nare denoted by a '[percent-encoded]' hint.<br>\nListing of characters and their percent encoding:<br>\nspace ' ' is percent encoded as %20<br>\nexclamation mark ! is percent encoded as %21<br>\nnumber sign # is percent encoded as %23<br>\nDollar sign $ is percent encoded as %24<br>\npercentage % is percent encoded as %25<br>\nampersand &amp; is percent encoded as %26<br>\napostrophe / single quotation mark ' is percent encoded as %27<br>\nleft parenthesis ( is percent encoded as %28<br>\nright parenthesis ) is percent encoded as %29<br>\nasterisk * is percent encoded as %2A<br>\nplus sign + is percent encoded as %2B<br>\ncomma , is percent encoded as %2C<br>\nslash / is percent encoded as %2F<br>\ncolon : is percent encoded as %3A<br>\nsemicolon ; is percent encoded as %3B<br>\nequals sign = is percent encoded as %3D<br>\nquestion mark ? is percent encoded as %3F<br>\nat sign @ is percent encoded as %40<br>\nleft bracket [ is percent encoded as %5B<br>\nright bracket ] is percent encoded as %5D<br>\nFor details see 'Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax' at<br>\n\n</p>"
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                "<p>\n<b><big>Device URIs to Access a Network Printer or a Printserver Box</big></b><br>\nA printserver box is a small device with a network connection\nand a USB or parallel port connection to connect the actual printer.\nA network printer has such a device built-in.\nAccess happens via three different network protocols.\nSee the manual of your network printer or printserver box\nto find out what your particular device supports:<br>\n<b>TCP Port (AppSocket/JetDirect)</b><br>\nThe IP address and a port number is needed to access it.\nOften the port number 9100 is the right one.\nIt is the simplest, fastest, and generally the most reliable protocol.\nThe matching device URI is:<br>\nsocket://ip-address:port-number<br>.\n<b>Line Printer Daemon (LPD) Protocol</b><br>\nA LPD runs on the device and provides one or more LPD queues.\nThe IP address and a LPD queue name is needed to access it.\nAlmost all network printers and printserver boxes support it.\nOften an arbitrary queue name or 'LPT1' works.\nBut using a correct LPD queue which does not change\nthe data or add additional formfeeds or banner pages\ncould be essential for reliable printing.\nThe matching device URI is:<br>\nlpd://ip-address/queue<br>.\n<b>Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)</b><br>\nIPP is the native protocol for CUPS running on a real computer,\nbut if IPP is implemented in a small printserver box,\nit is often not implemented properly. Only use IPP if the vendor\nactually documents official support for it. \nThe matching device URI is:<br>\nipp://ip-address:port-number/resource<br>.\nWhat 'port-number' and 'resource' exactly is depends\non the particular network printer or printserver box model.<br>\nFor <b>more information</b> have a look at<br>\n\n</p>\n"
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                "<p>\n<b><big>Special Device URIs</big></b><br>\n<b>Specify an Arbitrary Device URI</b>\nif you know the exact right device URI for your particular case\nor to modify an existing device URI in a special way.<br>\n<b>Send Print Data to Other Program (pipe)</b><br>\nTo do this, the RPM package cups-backends must be installed.\nThe package provides the CUPS backend 'pipe' which runs\nthe program that you specified here.\nThe matching device URI is:<br>\npipe:/path/to/targetcommand<br>\n<b>Daisy-chain Backend Error Handler (beh)</b><br>\nTo do this, the RPM package cups-backends must be installed.\nThe package provides the CUPS backend 'beh'.<br>\nThe backend 'beh' is a wrapper for the usual backend,\nwhich is then called by beh.\nThis way beh can, depending on its configuration,\nrepeat the call of the backend or simply hide the error status\nof the backend from being seen by the CUPS daemon.\nThe matching device URI is:<br>\nbeh:/nodisable/attempts/delay/originalDeviceURI<br>\nIf nodisable is '1' beh always exits successfully\nso that the queue gets never disabled but on the other hand\nprint jobs are lost if there is an error.<br>\nAttempts is the number of attempts to recall the backend\nin case of an error. '0' means infinite retries.<br>\nDelay is the number of seconds between two attempts\nto call the backend.<br>\nThe last parameter is the original URI, which the queue had before.<br>\nExample:<br>\nbeh:/1/3/5/socket://ip-address:port-number<br>\nThe beh backend tries to access a network printer 3 times with 5 second delay\nbetween the attempts. If access still fails, the queue is not disabled\nand the print job is lost.<br>\nFor <b>more information</b> have a look at <tt>/usr/lib[64]/cups/backend/beh</tt> and<br>\n\n</p>"
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                "<p>\n<b><big>Printing Via Network</big></b><br>\nUsually CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) is used to print via network.<br>\nBy default CUPS uses its so called 'Browsing' mode\nto make printers available via network.<br>\nIn this case remote CUPS servers must publish their printers via network\nand accordingly on your host the CUPS daemon process (cupsd) must run\nwhich is listening for incoming information about published printers.<br>\nCUPS Browsing information is received via UDP port 631.<br>\nRegarding firewall:<br>\nCheck if a firewall is active for a network zone\nin which printers are published via network.\nBy default the SuSEfirewall allows any incoming information\nvia a network interface which belongs to the 'internal zone'\nbecause this zone is trusted by default.<br>\nIt does not make sense to do printing in a trusted internal network\nwith a network interface which belongs to the untrusted 'external zone'\n(the latter is the default setting for network interfaces to be safe).\nIn particular do not disable firewall protection for CUPS\n(i.e. for IPP which uses TCP port 631 and UDP port 631)\nfor the untrusted 'external zone'.<br>\nTo use remote printers in a trusted internal network\nand be protected by the firewall against unwanted access\nfrom any external network (in particular from the Internet),\nassign the network interface which belongs to the internal network\nto the internal zone of the firewall.\nUse the YaST Firewall setup module to do this fundamental setup\nto gain security plus usefulness in your network\nand using remote printers in a trusted internal network\nwill work without any further firewall setup.<br>\nFor details see the openSUSE support database\narticle 'CUPS and SANE Firewall settings' at<br>\n\n</p>"
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                "<p>\nIf you can access remote CUPS servers for printing\nbut those servers do not publish their printer information via network\nor when you cannot accept incoming information about published printers\n(e.g. because you must have firewall protection for the network zone\nin which printers are published), you can request printer information\nfrom CUPS servers (provided the CUPS servers allow your access).<br>\nFor each CUPS server which is requested, a cups-polld process\nis launched by the CUPS daemon process (cupsd) on your host.\nBy default each cups-polld polls a remote CUPS server\nevery 30 seconds for printer information.\n</p>"
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                "<p>\nIf you print only via network and if you use only one single CUPS server,\nthere is no need to use CUPS Browsing and have a CUPS daemon running on your host.\nInstead it is simpler to specify the CUPS server and access it directly.<br>\nA possible drawback is that application programs may be delayed\nfor some time (until a timeout happens) when they try\nto access the CUPS server but it is actually not available\n(e.g. while traveling with a laptop). Usually it is a host name\nresolution (DNS) timeout which causes the delay so that it may help\nto have a hardcoded entry for the CUPS server in the /etc/hosts file.\n</p>"
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                "<p>\nYou have to set up an appropriate print queue on your host\nif there is no CUPS server in your network,\nor when you must access a network printer directly,\nor when you use another kind of print server\ne.g. when printing via a Windows (R) or Samba server\nor when printing via a traditional Unix server.<br>\n'Windows' is a registered trademark\nof Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.\n</p>"
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                "<p>\n<b><big>Sharing Print Queues and Publish Them Via Network</big></b><br>\nUsually CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) should be set up to use\nits so called 'Browsing' mode to make printers available via network.<br>\nIn this case CUPS servers publish their local print queues via network\nand accordingly on CUPS client systems the CUPS daemon process (cupsd) must run\nwhich is listening for incoming information about published printers.<br>\nCUPS Browsing information is received via UDP port 631.\n</p>"
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                "<p>\nFirst of all CUPS client systems must be allowed to access the CUPS server.\nThen specify whether or not printers should be published to the clients.<br>\nIn a local network the usual way to set up CUPS Browsing is\nto allow remote access for all hosts in the local network\nand to publish printers to all those hosts.<br>\nIt is not required to publish printers in any case.<br>\nIf you have only one single CUPS server, there is no need to use CUPS Browsing.\nInstead it is simpler to specify the CUPS server on the client systems\n(via 'Printing Via Network') so that the clients access the server directly.\n</p>"
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                "<p>\nThere are various ways which can coexist how to specify\nwhich remote hosts are allowed to access the CUPS server.<br>\nAllow remote access for computers within the local network\nwill allow access from all hosts in the local network.\nA remote host is in the local network when it has an IP address\nthat belongs to the same network as the CUPS server\nand when the network connection of the host\nuses a non-PPP interface on the CUPS server\n(an interface whose IFF_POINTOPOINT flag is not set).<br>\nAlternatively or additionally an explicite list of network interfaces\nfrom which remote access is allowed can be specified.<br>\nAlternatively or additionally an explicite list of\nallowed IP addresses and/or networks can be specified.\n</p>"
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                "<p>\nRegarding firewall:<br>\nA firewall is used to protect running server processes\n(in this case the CUPS server process 'cupsd')\non your host against unwanted access via network.<br>\nPrinting via network happens in a trusted internal network\n(nobody lets arbitrary users from whatever external network\nprint on his printer) and usually the users need\nphysical printer access to get their paper output.<br>\nBy default the SuSEfirewall lets any network traffic pass\nvia a network interface which belongs to the 'internal zone'\nbecause this zone is trusted by default.<br>\nIt does not make sense to do printing in a trusted internal network\nwith a network interface which belongs to the untrusted 'external zone'\n(the latter is the default setting for network interfaces to be safe).\nDo not disable firewall protection for CUPS\n(i.e. for IPP which uses TCP port 631 and UDP port 631)\nfor the untrusted 'external zone'.<br>\nTo make printers accessible in a trusted internal network\nand be protected by the firewall against unwanted access\nfrom any external network (in particular from the Internet),\nassign the network interface which belongs to the internal network\nto the internal zone of the firewall.\nUse the YaST Firewall setup module to do this fundamental setup\nto gain security plus usefulness in your network and\nsharing printers in a trusted internal network\nwill work without any further firewall setup.<br>\nFor details see the openSUSE support database\narticle 'CUPS and SANE Firewall settings' at<br>\n\n</p>"
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                "<p>\n<b><big>CUPS Operation Policy</big></b><br>\nOperation policies are the rules used for each operation in CUPS.\nSuch operations are for example 'print something', 'cancel a printout',\n'configure a printer', 'modify or remove a printer configuration',\nand 'enable or disable printing'.\n</p>"
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                "<p>\n<b><big>CUPS Error Policy</big></b><br>\nThe error policy defines the default policy that is used when\nCUPS fails to send a print job to the printer device.<br>\nDepending on the particular way how the printer is connected\n(for example 'usb', 'socket', 'lpd', or 'ipp'),\nand depending on the actual kind of failure,\nthe CUPS backend which actually sends the data to the printer\ncan overwrite the default error policy\nand enforce another error policy (see <tt>man backend</tt>).\nFor example it can stop any further printing attempt\neven when the default error policy is to retry the job.\nThis could happen when any attempt to establish\nthe communication with the printer is useless\nso that it does no make sense to retry the job.\n<br>\nThe following error policies exist:<br>\nStop the printer and keep the job for future printing.<br>\nRe-send the job from the beginning after waiting some time (30 seconds by default).<br>\nAbort and delete the job and proceed with the next job.\n</p>"
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                "<p>\n<b><big>Automatic Configuration for Local Connected Printers</big></b><br>\nCheck the check box to run YaST's automatic configuration\nfor printers which are connected to the local host.<br>\nFor each autodetected local connected printer,\nYaST tests if there exists already a configuration.\nIf there is not yet a configuration,\nYaST tries to find a matching driver for the printer\nand if one is found, the printer is configured.<br>\nThe resulting configuration is basically the same\nas if one would have selected an autodetected printer\nin the 'Add New Printer Configuration' dialog\nand accepted whatever preselected values there.\n</p>"
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                "<p>\n<b><big>Automatic Configuration for USB Printers</big></b><br>\nThe RPM package 'udev-configure-printer' provides\nautomatic configuration when USB printers are plugged in.<br>\nWhen its check box is initially not checked, it is not installed\nand then you can select it so that it will be installed.<br>\nWhen its check box is initially checked, it is already installed\nand then you can un-select it so that it will be removed.<br>\nWhen udev-configure-printer is installed,\nautomatic USB printer configuration happens via the entries\nin its udev config file /lib/udev/rules.d/70-printers.rules\nwhich triggers to run 'udev-configure-printer add'\nwhen a USB printer is plugged in\nand 'udev-configure-printer remove' when it is unplugged.\nThere are no adjustable settings for udev-configure-printer\nexcept one changes the 70-printers.rules file manually.\n</p>"
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                "A locally running CUPS daemon is required, but it seems to be not accessible.\nCheck with 'lpstat -h localhost -r' whether a local cupsd is accessible.\nA non-accessible cupsd leads to an endless sequence of further failures.\n"
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            "note": "Message of a Popup::ErrorDetails\nwhen a local cupsd is required but it is not accessible.\nYaST did already run 'lpstat -h localhost -r'\nto check whether or not a local cupsd is accessible.\nThe command is shown here to the user (even if it is a bit technical)\nto have him informed what goes on here and what he can do on his own.",
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                "The CUPS daemon seems not to listen on the official IANA IPP port (631).\nCheck with 'netstat -nap | grep cupsd' where the cupsd actually listens.\nThis happens when there is a 'Listen ...:1234' or 'Port 1234' setting\n(where 1234 means any port number which is not the official port 631)\nin /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (check also if there is 'BrowsePort 1234').\nThe YaST printer module does not support a non-official port.\nA non-official port leads to an endless sequence of further failures.\nIf you really must use a non-official port, you cannot use\nthe YaST printer module to configure your printers.\n"
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                "Testing if CUPS server is accessible..."
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            "location": "src/include/printer/overview.rb:277",
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            "note": "Body of a Popup::AnyMessage when no queue was selected from the list:\nBody of a Popup::AnyMessage when no queue was selected from the list:\nBody of a Popup::AnyMessage when no queue was selected from the list:",
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            "note": "because a class cannot be re-created with the YaST printer module because\nthe YaST printer module has no support to add or edit classes\nbecause classes are only useful in bigger printing environments\nwhich is out of the scope of the use cases of the YaST printer module.\nNevertheless it is possible to delete a class with the YaST printer module\nso that the user can get rid of a class which may have been created by accident\nwith whatever other setup tool:",
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                "A deleted class cannot be re-created with this tool."
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                "The testpage cannot be printed because print jobs are rejected."
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            "location": "src/include/printer/overview.rb:697",
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            "note": "Do a refresh of the overview content to be on the safe side.\nPerhaps the actual current queue state is no longer \"rejecting\".\nRe-run the OverviewDialog (with re-created queue status) via the sequencer:",
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            "note": "Body of a Popup::AnyMessage when printing is disabled for the queue:",
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                "There are pending print jobs which might be deleted before the testpage is printed."
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            "location": "src/include/printer/overview.rb:721",
            "context": "",
            "note": "Test whether there are already pending jobs in a local queue.\nIf yes, the queue is usually currently actively printing because\nthe test above makes sure that the queue has printing enabled.\nWhen this command fails for whatever reason, it is a safe fallback\nto assume that there are no pending jobs in the queue:",
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                "Delete Pending Print Jobs For %1"
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            "location": "src/include/printer/overview.rb:734, src/include/printer/overview.rb:873",
            "context": "",
            "note": "where %1 will be replaced by the queue name.\nwhere %1 will be replaced by the queue name.",
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                "Delete them before printing testpage"
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            "location": "src/include/printer/overview.rb:742",
            "context": "",
            "note": "'Yes' button label of a confirmation popup\nbefore all pending jobs in a queue will be deleted:",
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