Units API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/units/12580088/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "translation": "https://l10n.opensuse.org/api/translations/yast-printer/master/en/?format=api",
    "source": [
        "<p>\n<b><big>Percent Encoding</big></b><br>\nThe issue is complicated.\nIt is recommended to avoid reserved characters and spaces\nfor component values in URIs if the values are under your control\n(e.g. you cannot avoid it when you must specify such characters\nin values for an URI to access a remote print queue\nbut the remote print queue is not under your control).\nWhenever possible use only so called 'unreserved characters'.\nUnreserved characters are uppercase and lowercase letters,\ndecimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.\nEven hyphen, period, tilde, and case sensitivity\ncould cause special issues in special cases\n(e.g. only letters, digits, and underscore are known to work\nfor a CUPS print queue name and case is not significant there).\nTherefore it is best to use only lowercase letters, digits,\nand underscore for all values in all URIs if possible.<br>\nReserved characters and space characters in the value of a component\nmust be percent-encoded (also known as URL encoding).<br>\nWhen an input field in the dialog is intended to enter\nonly a single value for a single component of the URI\n(e.g. separated input fields for username and password),\nyou must enter spaces and reserved characters literally\n(i.e. non-percent-encoded).\nFor such input fields all spaces and reserved characters\nwill be automatically percent-encoded.\nFor example if a password is actually 'Foo%20Bar' (non-percent-encoded),\nit must be entered literally in the password input field in the dialog.\nThe automated percent-encoding results 'Foo%2520Bar' which is how\nthe value of the password component is actually stored in the URI.<br>\nIn contrast when an input field in the dialog is intended to enter\nmore that a single value for a single component of the URI\n(e.g. a single input field for all optional parameters\nlike 'option1=value1&amp;option2=value2&amp;option3=value3'\nor a single input field to enter the whole URI),\nyou must enter spaces and reserved characters percent-encoded\nbecause an automated percent-encoding is no longer possible.\nAssume in an optional parameter 'option=value'\nthe value would be 'this&amp;that' so that the whole\noptional parameter would be 'option=this&amp;that' (literally).\nBut a literal '&amp;' character denotes\nthe separation of different optional parameters\nso that 'option=this&amp;that' in an URI means\na first optional parameter 'option=this' and\na second optional parameter which is only 'that'.\nTherefore a single optional parameter 'option=this&amp;that'\nmust be entered percent-encoded as 'option=this%26that'<br>\nInput fields which require percent-encoded input\nare denoted by a '[percent-encoded]' hint.<br>\nListing of characters and their percent encoding:<br>\nspace ' ' is percent encoded as %20<br>\nexclamation mark ! is percent encoded as %21<br>\nnumber sign # is percent encoded as %23<br>\nDollar sign $ is percent encoded as %24<br>\npercentage % is percent encoded as %25<br>\nampersand &amp; is percent encoded as %26<br>\napostrophe / single quotation mark ' is percent encoded as %27<br>\nleft parenthesis ( is percent encoded as %28<br>\nright parenthesis ) is percent encoded as %29<br>\nasterisk * is percent encoded as %2A<br>\nplus sign + is percent encoded as %2B<br>\ncomma , is percent encoded as %2C<br>\nslash / is percent encoded as %2F<br>\ncolon : is percent encoded as %3A<br>\nsemicolon ; is percent encoded as %3B<br>\nequals sign = is percent encoded as %3D<br>\nquestion mark ? is percent encoded as %3F<br>\nat sign @ is percent encoded as %40<br>\nleft bracket [ is percent encoded as %5B<br>\nright bracket ] is percent encoded as %5D<br>\nFor details see 'Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax' at<br>\nhttp://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986\n</p>"
    "previous_source": "",
    "target": [
        "<p>\n<b><big>Percent Encoding</big></b><br>\nThe issue is complicated.\nIt is recommended to avoid reserved characters and spaces\nfor component values in URIs if the values are under your control\n(e.g. you cannot avoid it when you must specify such characters\nin values for an URI to access a remote print queue\nbut the remote print queue is not under your control).\nWhenever possible use only so called 'unreserved characters'.\nUnreserved characters are uppercase and lowercase letters,\ndecimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.\nEven hyphen, period, tilde, and case sensitivity\ncould cause special issues in special cases\n(e.g. only letters, digits, and underscore are known to work\nfor a CUPS print queue name and case is not significant there).\nTherefore it is best to use only lowercase letters, digits,\nand underscore for all values in all URIs if possible.<br>\nReserved characters and space characters in the value of a component\nmust be percent-encoded (also known as URL encoding).<br>\nWhen an input field in the dialog is intended to enter\nonly a single value for a single component of the URI\n(e.g. separated input fields for username and password),\nyou must enter spaces and reserved characters literally\n(i.e. non-percent-encoded).\nFor such input fields all spaces and reserved characters\nwill be automatically percent-encoded.\nFor example if a password is actually 'Foo%20Bar' (non-percent-encoded),\nit must be entered literally in the password input field in the dialog.\nThe automated percent-encoding results 'Foo%2520Bar' which is how\nthe value of the password component is actually stored in the URI.<br>\nIn contrast when an input field in the dialog is intended to enter\nmore that a single value for a single component of the URI\n(e.g. a single input field for all optional parameters\nlike 'option1=value1&amp;option2=value2&amp;option3=value3'\nor a single input field to enter the whole URI),\nyou must enter spaces and reserved characters percent-encoded\nbecause an automated percent-encoding is no longer possible.\nAssume in an optional parameter 'option=value'\nthe value would be 'this&amp;that' so that the whole\noptional parameter would be 'option=this&amp;that' (literally).\nBut a literal '&amp;' character denotes\nthe separation of different optional parameters\nso that 'option=this&amp;that' in an URI means\na first optional parameter 'option=this' and\na second optional parameter which is only 'that'.\nTherefore a single optional parameter 'option=this&amp;that'\nmust be entered percent-encoded as 'option=this%26that'<br>\nInput fields which require percent-encoded input\nare denoted by a '[percent-encoded]' hint.<br>\nListing of characters and their percent encoding:<br>\nspace ' ' is percent encoded as %20<br>\nexclamation mark ! is percent encoded as %21<br>\nnumber sign # is percent encoded as %23<br>\nDollar sign $ is percent encoded as %24<br>\npercentage % is percent encoded as %25<br>\nampersand &amp; is percent encoded as %26<br>\napostrophe / single quotation mark ' is percent encoded as %27<br>\nleft parenthesis ( is percent encoded as %28<br>\nright parenthesis ) is percent encoded as %29<br>\nasterisk * is percent encoded as %2A<br>\nplus sign + is percent encoded as %2B<br>\ncomma , is percent encoded as %2C<br>\nslash / is percent encoded as %2F<br>\ncolon : is percent encoded as %3A<br>\nsemicolon ; is percent encoded as %3B<br>\nequals sign = is percent encoded as %3D<br>\nquestion mark ? is percent encoded as %3F<br>\nat sign @ is percent encoded as %40<br>\nleft bracket [ is percent encoded as %5B<br>\nright bracket ] is percent encoded as %5D<br>\nFor details see 'Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax' at<br>\nhttp://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986\n</p>"
    "id_hash": -8185564605880837432,
    "content_hash": -8185564605880837432,
    "location": "src/include/printer/helps.rb:480",
    "context": "",
    "note": "ConnectionWizardDialog help 3/7:",
    "flags": "c-format",
    "state": 100,
    "fuzzy": false,
    "translated": true,
    "approved": false,
    "position": 252,
    "has_suggestion": false,
    "has_comment": false,
    "has_failing_check": true,
    "num_words": 567,
    "source_unit": "https://l10n.opensuse.org/api/units/12580088/?format=api",
    "priority": 100,
    "id": 12580088,
    "web_url": "https://l10n.opensuse.org/translate/yast-printer/master/en/?checksum=e67085c24765ac8",
    "url": "https://l10n.opensuse.org/api/units/12580088/?format=api",
    "explanation": "",
    "extra_flags": ""