Units API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/units/11445870/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "translation": "https://l10n.opensuse.org/api/translations/yast-cluster/master/eo/?format=api",
    "source": [
        "<p><b><big>Model</big></b><br>Specifies the model to be used. This parameter is required.  corosync-qdevice is modular and is able to support multiple different models. The model basically defines what type of arbitrator is used. Currently only 'net' is supported.</p>\n<p><b><big>Host</big></b><br>Specifies the IP address or host name of the qnetd server to be used. This parameter is required.</p>\n<p><b><big>Port</big></b><br>Specifies TCP port of qnetd server. Default is 5403.</p>\n<p><b><big>TLS</big></b><br>Can be one of 'on', 'off' or 'required' and specifies if tls should be used. 'on' means a connection with TLS is attempted first, but if the server doesn't advertise TLS support then non-TLS will be used. 'off' is used then TLS is not required and it's then not even tried. This mode is the only one which doesn't need a properly initialized NSS database. 'required' means TLS is required and if the server doesn't support TLS, qdevice will exit with error message. 'on' need manually change, refer to corosync-qdevice's man page for more details. Default is 'off' in yast.</p>\n<p><b><big>Algorithm</big></b><br>Decision algorithm. Can be one of the 'ffsplit' or 'lms'.  (Actually there are also 'test' and '2nodelms', both of which are mainly for developers and shouldn't be used for production clusters, so yast will convert to 'ffsplit' automatically). For a description of what each algorithm means and how the algorithms differ see their individual sections.  Default value is ffsplit.</p>\n<p><b><big>Tie breaker</big></b><br>Can be one of 'lowest', 'highest' or 'valid_node_id' (number) values. It's used as a fallback if qdevice has to decide between two or more equal partitions. 'lowest' means the partition with the lowest node id is chosen. 'highest' means the partition with highest node id is chosen. And 'valid_node_id' means that the partition containing the node with the given node id is chosen. Default is 'lowest'.</p>\n<p><b><big>Qdevice Heuristics</big></b><br>Subsection of Qdevice. Heuristics are set of commands executed locally on startup, cluster membership change, successful connect to corosync-qnetd and optionally also at regular times. Commands are executed in parallel. When *all* commands finish successfully (their return error code is zero) on time, heuristics have passed, otherwise they have failed. The heuristics result is sent to corosync-qnetd and there it's used in calculations to determine which partition should be quorate.</p>\n<p><b><big>Heuristics Mode</big></b><br>Can be one of on, sync or off and specifies mode of operation of heuristics. Default is off, which  means  heuristics are disabled. When sync is set, heuristics are executed only during startup, membership change and when connection to corosync-qnetd is established. When heuristics should be running also on regular basis, this option should be set to on value.</p>\n<p><b><big>Heuristics Timeout</big></b><br>Specifies maximum time in milliseconds. How long corosync-qdevice waits till the heuristics commands finish. If some command doesn't finish before the timeout, it's killed and heuristics fail. This timeout is used for heuristics executed at regular times. Default value is half of the quorum.device.timeout, so 5000.</p>\n<p><b><big>Heuristics Sync_timeout</big></b><br>Similar to quorum.device.heuristics.timeout but used during membership changes. Default value is half of the quorum.device.sync_timeout, so 15000.</p>\n<p><b><big>Heuristics Interval</big></b><br>Specifies interval between two regular heuristics execution. Default value is 3 * quorum.device.timeout, so 30000.</p>\n<p><b><big>Heuristics exec_NAME</big></b><br>Defines executables. *NAME* can be arbitrary valid cmap key name string and it has no special meaning. The value of this variable must contain a command to execute. The value is parsed (split) into arguments similarly as Bourne shell would do. Quoting is possible by using backslash and double quotes. <br>For example, Name(exec_check_master), Value(/etc/corosync/qdevice/check_master.sh)</p>\n"
    "previous_source": "",
    "target": [
    "id_hash": -7026888997277326667,
    "content_hash": -7026888997277326667,
    "location": "src/include/cluster/helps.rb:47",
    "context": "",
    "note": "",
    "flags": "",
    "labels": [],
    "state": 0,
    "fuzzy": false,
    "translated": false,
    "approved": false,
    "position": 118,
    "has_suggestion": false,
    "has_comment": false,
    "has_failing_check": false,
    "num_words": 556,
    "source_unit": "https://l10n.opensuse.org/api/units/12678798/?format=api",
    "priority": 100,
    "id": 11445870,
    "web_url": "https://l10n.opensuse.org/translate/yast-cluster/master/eo/?checksum=1e7b79afe12f22b5",
    "url": "https://l10n.opensuse.org/api/units/11445870/?format=api",
    "explanation": "",
    "extra_flags": "",
    "pending": false,
    "timestamp": "2020-05-12T15:09:59.245049Z"