Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Release Notes for openSUSE 1% 748 11,759 93,401 666 11 0 0
desktop-file-translations 29% 12,888 53,914 403,759 7,935 545 0 0
download.o.o 18% 121 1,343 9,061 73 5 0 0
gfxboot 74% 24 68 427 24 1 0 0
kiwi 14% 24 128 792 17 2 0 0
krb5-ticket-watcher 11% 90 220 1,438 46 16 0 0
libgnomesu 25% 20 135 902 19 1 0 0
libstorage 22% 1,044 6,554 38,710 280 294 0 0
libstorage-ng 3% 868 5,448 31,994 256 264 0 0
libzypp 72% 280 1,834 11,421 221 42 0 0
packages-i18n 33% 488 5,510 37,665 387 27 0 0
scout 1% 64 331 2,168 33 9 0 0
snapper 1% 370 1,424 9,741 246 94 0 0
suse-desktop-translations 25% 6 14 84 6 1 0 0
uyuni 58% 9,220 75,448 539,950 9,076 487 0 0
yast-add-on 60% 25 245 1,645 7 12 0 0
yast-apparmor 17% 24 125 798 8 3 0 0
yast-audit-laf 8% 140 1,533 9,972 63 18 0 0
yast-auth-client 1% 333 3,941 24,933 304 10 0 0
yast-authserver 0% 24 165 1,146 21 0 0 0
yast-autoinst 50% 250 2,128 13,870 127 37 0 0
yast-base 80% 189 2,535 15,912 98 59 0 0
yast-bootloader 26% 118 1,662 11,006 72 24 0 0
yast-cio 33% 10 62 411 4 0 0 0
yast-cluster 17% 122 1,962 14,081 70 17 0 0
yast-configuration_management 0% 19 103 604 18 0 0 0
yast-control 24% 85 915 6,039 65 2 0 0
yast-control-center 76% 3 26 163 0 0 0 0
yast-country 80% 33 534 3,337 14 7 0 0
yast-crowbar 21% 64 393 2,874 13 7 0 0
yast-dhcp-server 82% 64 1,224 7,830 43 15 0 0
yast-dns-server 76% 88 1,177 7,792 29 30 0 0
yast-docker 11% 45 139 842 19 13 0 0
yast-drbd 20% 93 1,321 9,051 55 7 0 0
yast-fcoe-client 21% 97 755 5,717 37 17 0 0
yast-firewall 16% 55 578 3,651 34 4 0 0
yast-firewall-services 41% 28 187 1,153 6 9 0 0
yast-firstboot 69% 25 279 1,915 18 4 0 0
yast-ftp-server 50% 115 1,166 8,034 43 40 0 0
yast-geo-cluster 25% 66 252 1,711 38 13 0 0
yast-gtk 44% 27 89 538 2 9 0 0
yast-gtk-pkg 30% 159 1,263 8,825 42 40 0 0
yast-http-server 87% 37 479 3,182 16 6 0 0
yast-installation 41% 209 1,973 13,345 110 36 0 0
yast-instserver 80% 21 338 2,413 7 8 0 0
yast-iplb 20% 89 2,676 19,997 89 0 0 0
yast-iscsi-client 51% 50 713 5,280 24 7 0 0
yast-iscsi-lio-server 11% 126 998 6,539 68 25 0 0
yast-isns 31% 30 362 2,395 7 4 0 0
yast-journal 18% 22 91 581 13 1 0 0
yast-kdump 17% 186 1,702 11,715 91 14 0 0
yast-languages_db 96% 2 2 14 2 0 0 0
yast-ldap 65% 21 248 1,495 20 2 0 0
yast-ldap-client 78% 5 89 610 0 1 0 0
yast-mail 85% 24 365 2,321 8 1 0 0
yast-multipath 16% 61 583 4,956 10 13 0 0
yast-ncurses 80% 3 87 780 2 0 0 0
yast-ncurses-pkg 45% 136 2,016 14,413 62 19 0 0
yast-network 48% 277 2,897 19,307 128 53 0 0
yast-nfs 64% 26 284 1,741 11 11 0 0
yast-nfs_server 76% 18 235 1,494 13 4 0 0
yast-nis 88% 10 175 1,217 3 1 0 0
yast-nis_server 85% 22 154 953 5 5 0 0
yast-ntp-client 27% 68 528 3,516 32 15 0 0
yast-oneclickinstall 91% 7 37 218 0 6 0 0
yast-online-update 85% 11 171 1,084 4 5 0 0
yast-online-update-configuration 56% 18 146 1,000 9 3 0 0
yast-opensuse_mirror 37% 5 8 54 1 0 0 0
yast-packager 64% 158 2,260 14,762 64 60 0 0
yast-pam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
yast-pkg-bindings 75% 9 69 532 1 7 0 0
yast-printer 9% 418 8,833 56,422 168 68 0 0
yast-proxy 91% 6 167 1,060 3 1 0 0
yast-qt 50% 16 126 1,252 8 0 0 0
yast-qt-pkg 82% 55 349 2,566 20 18 0 0
yast-rdp 41% 14 93 672 3 1 0 0
yast-rear 6% 68 491 3,142 32 10 0 0
yast-registration 4% 259 2,279 15,914 159 38 0 0
yast-reipl 18% 26 277 1,973 13 1 0 0
yast-relocation-server 42% 23 148 1,237 6 1 0 0
yast-rpm-groups 90% 20 21 144 15 8 0 0
yast-samba-client 59% 75 835 5,670 27 12 0 0
yast-samba-server 91% 23 521 3,649 13 8 0 0
yast-samba-users 90% 2 76 446 1 1 0 0
yast-sap-installation-wizard 2% 69 542 3,665 34 19 0 0
yast-scanner 70% 48 2,033 12,938 23 7 0 0
yast-security 53% 100 1,659 10,771 54 19 0 0
yast-services-manager 7% 110 758 5,204 83 6 0 0
yast-slide-show 33% 24 1,106 7,292 6 7 0 0
yast-slp 0% 3 13 81 1 1 0 0
yast-slp-server 96% 2 115 725 2 0 0 0
yast-snapper 11% 68 594 3,813 30 16 0 0
yast-sound 94% 11 137 893 3 7 0 0
yast-squid 25% 209 1,394 9,088 71 24 0 0
yast-storage 8% 879 9,527 59,660 426 231 0 0
yast-sudo 46% 62 1,678 10,277 28 26 0 0
yast-support 13% 138 1,296 9,863 138 0 0 0
yast-sysconfig 88% 12 79 566 3 8 0 0
yast-tftp-server 92% 2 57 368 0 4 0 0
yast-timezone_db 60% 187 262 1,875 103 0 0 0


Language code pa
Aliased language codes pa_in, pan, pu
English name of the language Punjabi
Text direction Left to right
Case sensitivity Case-insensitive
Number of speakers 42,560,431
Plural: Default plural 170 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other
Plurals Singular 0, 1
Plural 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, …
Plural formula n > 1
Plural: gettext plural formula 85 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other
Plurals Singular 1
Plural 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …
Plural formula n != 1
Plural: Qt Linguist plural 0 translations
Number of plurals 2
Plural type One/other
Plurals Singular 1
Plural 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …
Plural formula (n != 1)
19 minutes ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 61,880 384,384 2,701,043
Approved 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Waiting for review 43% 27,223 33% 127,698 33% 902,184
Translated 44% 27,230 33% 127,708 33% 902,252
Needs editing 17% 10,842 13% 51,548 13% 354,813
Read-only 1% 7 1% 10 1% 68
Failing checks 5% 3,365 7% 27,191 6% 188,984
Strings with suggestions 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Untranslated strings 38% 23,808 53% 205,128 53% 1,443,978

Quick numbers

Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
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Resource updated

The “po/network/pa.po” file was changed. 23 hours ago
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String added in the repository

23 hours ago
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String added in the repository

23 hours ago
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String added in the repository

23 hours ago
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String added in the repository

23 hours ago
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String added in the repository

23 hours ago
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Source string changed

23 hours ago
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Resource updated

The “po/bootloader/pa.po” file was changed. 2 days ago
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Resource updated

The “po/pa.po” file was changed. 6 days ago
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String added in the repository

6 days ago
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