Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Release Notes for openSUSE 1% 744 11,751 93,345 711 5 10 0
desktop-file-translations 25% 13,618 55,724 423,055 8,279 1,072 0 0
download.o.o 20% 118 1,379 9,257 59 15 0 0
gfxboot 74% 24 68 427 24 1 0 0
icewm 23% 402 2,304 16,485 311 35 11 0
kiwi 14% 24 128 792 17 3 0 0
krb5-ticket-watcher 33% 68 185 1,222 68 0 0 0
libgnomesu 51% 13 64 452 7 2 0 0
libstorage 9% 1,218 8,016 47,704 554 307 0 0
libstorage-ng 4% 862 5,456 32,082 314 278 0 0
libzypp 32% 698 2,492 15,860 688 8 0 0
packages-i18n 23% 557 5,908 40,170 469 32 0 0
scout 30% 45 291 1,916 45 1 0 0
snapper 1% 367 1,412 9,657 261 46 0 0
suse-desktop-translations 37% 5 12 67 4 1 0 0
uyuni 49% 247 3,021 20,525 198 63 0 0
yast-add-on 60% 25 203 1,373 9 13 0 0
yast-apparmor 13% 25 127 820 10 4 0 0
yast-audit-laf 18% 124 1,480 9,627 62 13 0 0
yast-auth-client 1% 333 3,941 24,933 305 11 0 0
yast-authserver 0% 24 165 1,146 24 0 0 0
yast-autoinst 41% 295 2,056 13,631 136 55 0 0
yast-base 55% 422 3,802 24,686 196 109 0 0
yast-bootloader 11% 142 1,806 11,985 81 32 0 0
yast-cio 33% 10 62 411 4 0 0 0
yast-cluster 16% 123 1,964 14,092 70 17 0 0
yast-configuration_management 0% 19 103 604 18 0 0 0
yast-control 25% 84 914 6,027 67 2 0 0
yast-control-center 76% 3 26 163 0 1 0 0
yast-country 50% 83 896 5,778 35 16 0 0
yast-crowbar 23% 63 391 2,862 15 7 0 0
yast-dhcp-server 33% 244 2,620 16,885 101 45 0 0
yast-dns-server 34% 245 2,639 17,274 91 60 0 0
yast-docker 11% 45 139 842 21 4 0 0
yast-drbd 39% 71 1,194 8,087 37 10 0 0
yast-fcoe-client 20% 98 755 5,730 33 16 0 0
yast-firewall 15% 56 579 3,661 37 3 0 0
yast-firewall-services 45% 26 169 1,045 2 7 0 0
yast-firstboot 66% 27 278 1,942 22 4 0 0
yast-ftp-server 37% 144 1,345 9,364 99 26 0 0
yast-geo-cluster 26% 65 251 1,707 26 16 0 0
yast-gtk 48% 25 86 522 4 8 0 0
yast-gtk-pkg 37% 142 1,248 8,782 42 39 0 0
yast-http-server 44% 163 1,912 12,744 151 3 0 0
yast-installation 32% 242 2,345 15,963 142 38 0 0
yast-instserver 97% 3 52 375 0 1 3 0
yast-iplb 19% 90 2,677 20,004 85 3 0 0
yast-iscsi-client 45% 57 747 5,605 26 6 0 0
yast-iscsi-lio-server 11% 126 998 6,539 66 25 0 0
yast-isns 40% 26 352 2,327 9 0 0 0
yast-journal 18% 22 91 581 14 1 0 0
yast-kdump 27% 163 1,631 11,110 114 13 0 0
yast-languages_db 94% 3 3 20 3 0 0 0
yast-ldap 37% 38 426 2,593 38 2 0 0
yast-ldap-client 21% 18 178 1,260 11 1 0 0
yast-mail 54% 73 913 6,030 55 2 0 0
yast-multipath 65% 25 498 4,309 6 14 0 0
yast-ncurses 86% 2 85 766 2 0 0 0
yast-ncurses-pkg 29% 176 2,135 15,231 102 19 0 0
yast-network 27% 390 3,541 23,936 167 83 0 0
yast-nfs 68% 23 278 1,701 13 8 0 0
yast-nfs_server 80% 15 197 1,269 1 14 0 0
yast-nis 94% 5 163 1,136 3 1 0 0
yast-nis_server 85% 22 154 953 3 2 0 0
yast-ntp-client 31% 64 539 3,666 34 7 0 0
yast-oneclickinstall 85% 12 70 455 7 2 0 0
yast-online-update 73% 21 350 2,249 19 0 0 0
yast-online-update-configuration 21% 32 183 1,257 10 3 0 0
yast-opensuse_mirror 37% 5 8 54 1 0 0 0
yast-packager 30% 307 3,296 21,577 140 75 0 0
yast-pam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
yast-pkg-bindings 78% 8 78 750 8 3 0 0
yast-printer 36% 296 8,324 53,220 151 42 0 0
yast-proxy 47% 37 436 2,783 18 4 0 0
yast-qt 53% 15 122 1,222 10 3 0 0
yast-qt-pkg 32% 208 1,635 10,599 125 23 0 0
yast-rdp 25% 18 124 872 5 6 0 0
yast-rear 8% 67 490 3,133 33 8 0 0
yast-registration 4% 260 2,281 15,928 137 55 0 0
yast-reipl 46% 17 254 1,778 13 2 0 0
yast-relocation-server 47% 21 140 1,176 7 1 0 0
yast-rpm-groups 18% 172 188 1,232 125 6 0 0
yast-samba-client 70% 54 558 3,886 23 9 0 0
yast-samba-server 44% 147 1,767 11,981 48 33 0 0
yast-samba-users 95% 1 71 407 0 0 0 0
yast-sap-installation-wizard 1% 70 543 3,670 34 19 0 0
yast-scanner 50% 80 2,651 16,961 68 2 0 0
yast-security 30% 151 2,514 16,716 79 34 0 0
yast-services-manager 6% 111 759 5,212 84 4 0 0
yast-slide-show 27% 26 1,166 7,674 21 1 0 0
yast-slp 0% 3 13 81 1 1 0 0
yast-slp-server 98% 1 79 495 0 3 0 0
yast-snapper 7% 71 600 3,846 25 24 0 0
yast-sound 96% 8 68 471 2 13 0 0
yast-squid 45% 153 1,212 7,964 83 11 0 0
yast-storage 6% 902 9,665 60,532 486 214 0 0
yast-sudo 51% 56 1,655 10,153 43 5 0 0
yast-support 13% 137 1,295 9,862 136 0 0 0
yast-sysconfig 88% 12 79 566 3 11 0 0
yast-tftp-server 92% 2 57 368 0 1 0 0


Language code hr
Aliased language codes hr_hr, hrv, scr
English name of the language Croatian
Text direction Left to right
Case sensitivity Case-sensitive
Number of speakers 6,759,761
Plural: Default plural 239 translations
Number of plurals 3
Plural type One/few/other
Plurals One 1, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, …
Few 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, …
Other 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, …
Plural formula n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2
Plural: Qt Linguist plural 0 translations
Number of plurals 3
Plural type One/few/many
Plurals One 1, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, …
Few 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, …
Many 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, …
Plural formula (n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)
4 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 40,831 243,469 1,686,665
Approved 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Waiting for review 28% 11,680 15% 37,177 14% 254,183
Translated 28% 11,687 15% 37,187 15% 254,251
Needs editing 26% 10,984 18% 44,650 18% 308,138
Read-only 1% 7 1% 10 1% 68
Failing checks 8% 3,462 7% 19,237 7% 128,444
Strings with suggestions 1% 27 1% 90 1% 666
Untranslated strings 44% 18,160 66% 161,632 66% 1,124,276

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and previous 30 days

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Resource updated

The “po/network/hr.po” file was changed. 5 days ago
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String added in the repository

5 days ago
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5 days ago
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String added in the repository

5 days ago
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String added in the repository

5 days ago
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Resource updated

The “po/bootloader/hr.po” file was changed. a week ago
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Resource updated

The “po/hr.po” file was changed. 10 days ago
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String added in the repository

10 days ago
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String added in the repository

10 days ago
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